
disciples of faith

higher place of praise ministries

Disciples of faith holiness church inc.

disciples of faith

higher place of praise ministries

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disciples of faith holiness church inc.
higher place of praise ministries

church history

On October 27, 1983, Bishop John T. Stroud and Evangelist Jessie L. Stroud gave birth to the Disciples of Faith Holiness Church, Inc. A few baptized believers came together as one and organized the church in their home located at 976 Washington Street, Atlanta, Georgia. We grew in number and sought another building in which to worship. In April 1984, we moved into a house that had been converted to a church, located at 1481 Woodbine Ave, Atlanta, Georgia. We were blessed to purchase that property and the adjacent lot next to it that we used for parking.

During our years at this location, many were saved, healed, delivered and blessed spiritually, as well as naturally. Several auxiliaries were established and gifts exercised to edify the body. One such board was the Missionary Unit, that was given its name Mission on the Move by Minister Marilyn Stroud Odoi, the first president. This entity later branched out into Douglasville, Georgia under Overseer Cynthia Andrews, Bishop Eddie Andrews, and Pastor Annette Dugger, all of whom had their start with the legacy church. This ministry continues to be an arm of the parent church, providing resources, support, and fellowship on a regular basis.

Over the years, the enemy has lodged many attacks on every hand, yet we have not been destroyed (i.e. numerous burglaries, contractor fraud resulting in loss of funds and exposing the physical church building to damage, etc). Through it all, God proved Himself faithful and there was never any loss of life or limb, even though faced with danger.

We tried to renovate the existing building to accommodate our expansion, but were unsuccessful. We tried to relocate to a larger facility, but these efforts were also met with negative results. We then decided to build a new facility on the property we were already occupying at this location. Funding was secured and construction began in the fall of 2000. For approximately six months during the latter part of construction, we temporarily held services with the Hills Avenue Baptist Church where the pastor was Rev. Davis. The project was completed and we marched into the new structure in September 2001.

Bishop Stroud’s vision of the new facility was realized and he went home to be with the Lord in February 2003, leaving his “baby sister”, Cecelia Stroud Colquitt, (whom he had ordained as Co-Pastor 10/31/1999) to carry the ministry on to the next level. From the one ministry, many have been birthed. The Disciples of Faith, Higher Place of Praise is now the home to praise dance ministries, ministry in mime, drama, choirs, youth/young adult ministries, and other forms of praise and worship. The church is edified and God is glorified.


  • Initial building located at 1481 Woodbine Avenue was found by Prophet Horace Colquitt, Evangelist Stroud’s brother.

  • The name Disciples of Faith was inspired and given by Daniel Stroud, Bishop Stroud’s brother.

Bishop J. T. Stroud & Jessie L. StroudPastor
disciples of faith holiness church inc.

our ministries

Higher Place of Praise Ministries

"Each one should use whatever gifts he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God's grace in it's various forms. If anyone speaks, he should do it as one speaking the very words of God. If anyone serves, he should do it with the strength God provides so that in all things, God may be praised through Jesus Christ. To him be the glory and the power forever and ever. Amen." 1 Peter 4: 10-11 NIV

Sunday School

Our Sunday school is a great place to learn and enhance your knowledge, in order to better your walk with Christ. We discuss various topics and encourage lively discussion. Your passion for Christ is increased by digging into the Word thereby getting a good understanding and foundation. We have a number of different teachers who know how to break things down while keeping things fun and exciting.


We are always excited to see our youth participating in uplifting activities. We are grateful to have a youth usher board, Sunday school, dance team and more. Fourth Sundays are reserved for our you department to take control of the service and utilize their talents.


Whatever your worship style, our goal is to lift up the name of Jesus Christ. Our musical team ranges from our Spirit filled Praise & Worship service with keyboard, organ, lead and bass guitar, drums to tambourine. Our Men of Purpose of Disciples of Faith singers and our Disciples Of Faith Choir that enjoys singing to the glory of God.


Be careful for nothing; but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God.

Philippians 4:6 King James Version


1 Timothy 4:12 (NIV)

12 Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith and in purity.

disciples of faith holiness church inc.

our mission

Higher Place of Praise Ministries

"God has given us the ministry of reconciliation and discipleship. Therefore, we aim to restore all that are of a broken heart and contrite spirit to bring people to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. Our goal then becomes to help equip them and empower them to grow in grace and to come to a level of maturity that they will be able to lead others to the kingdom.*

The Great Commission - Matthew 28:18-20

Our Vision - It is a more focused detailed version of our mission.

We are always excited to see our youth participating in uplifting activities. We are grateful to have a youth usher board, Sunday school, dance team and more. Fourth Sundays are reserved for our you department to take control of the service and utilize their talent


Whatever your worship style, our goal is to lift up the name of Jesus Christ. Our musical team ranges from our Spirit filled Praise & Worship service with keyboard, organ, lead and bass guitar, drums to tambourine. Our Men of Purpose of Disciples of Faith singers and our Disciples Of Faith Choir that enjoys singing to the glory of God.


Be careful for nothing; but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God.

Philippians 4:6 King James Version


1 Timothy 4:12 (NIV)

12 Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith and in purity.